How Harmful and Dangerous Can Virtual Reality (VR) Headsets Be for Your Eyes?
Original Content- Business Upside
Virtual reality is a game-changer for entertainment and other forms of related technology. All individuals need to put on VR headsets. But is VR bad for your eyes? However, little is known about how this technology affects our eyes and vision.
How does VR damage your eyesight?
Most VR headsets include two tiny LCD monitors, one for each eye, generating a stereoscopic effect that provides the impression of depth. Because these monitors are so close to the eyes, experts are concerned about one question, can VR damage your eyes, especially when worn for lengthy periods?
VR tricks both our senses and brains simultaneously, altering our typical impressions of objects. Our eyes are always focused on a fixed point in virtual space, trying to converge or diverge toward things that look nearby or far away. This is known as “Vergence-Accommodation Conflict” (VAC) and is the cause of nausea and headaches in many individuals who wear VR headsets.
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