Fruition of Apple Cider Vinegar? See yourself!


Despite all odds and challenges this year, America is all set for the ensuing year-end festivities. And since food and drinks make for an essential component of all celebrations—the apple cider vinegar is omnipresent this time of the year—a mainstay of festivals and the farmers’ market.

In modern times, apple cider vinegar or just cider vinegar, as it is often referred to as, is widely known for its medicinal purposes. Researches across the globe have time and again proved the health benefits of apple cider vinegar and certified nutritionists also suggest drinking apple cider vinegar occasionally.

However, have we ever thought about, how this drink came into being? Or what are its origins, history or, even evolution? Well, why not take a sneak peek into the historical narratives that gradually led to the establishment of apple cider vinegar drink as a popular beverage, especially owing to the numerous acv benefits.


Origins and Folklore

According to ancient folklore, the discovery of apple cider vinegar drink was most likely a happy ‘accident’ that is independently realized in various parts of the world. As the folklore goes, a jug of beer or wine was left uncovered for long hours, and a culinary legend—apple cider vinegar was born that went on to redefine the food and health industry for long times to come.

According to historical records, the apple cider vinegar drink’s legacy goes back to ancient times, dating back roughly from 8000 to 6000 BC. In fact, vinegar-making is one of the oldest fermentation processes known to humankind, through which various kinds of vinegar were made.


From Early Egyptians to the Romans

Way back in 5000 BC, the Egyptians made wine from Barley and the Babylonians extracted wine from the date palm. History records that the Babylonians began experimenting with flavored vinegar, using various spices as well as herbs. While the versatility and the benefits of apple cider vinegar in the kitchen were known for ages, it was not until 400 BC that Greek physician Hippocrates started prescribing cider vinegar for treating a variety of ailments and preventive measures.

Often referred to as the mother of vinegar, drinking apple cider vinegar was also common among the ancient Romans. On the tables of their famous banquets, the Romans kept a bowl of apple cider vinegar with the mother and often dipped bread in it before consuming. They strongly believed that drinking vinegar helped in the overall digestion process. Cider vinegar was such a popular brew among the ancient Romans that they used it widely – whether it was mixing cider vinegar with vegetables’ salad, goat cheese, or olive oil – apple cider benefits were extensively made use of by the ancient Romans.

Over time, the drink apple cider became widely popular among the continent of Europe including England that continues to date.


Cider Vinegar in the American Hinterland

When the English colonists arrived in America, they joyfully embraced the land’s native fruits such as berries and grapes. However, apples were difficult to find and so was apple cider vinegar, which goes without saying. The Europeans were quick enough to import seeds and began planting cider apples in New England. Apple cultivation flourished in the fertile soil and soon the colonists started brewing apple cider and drinking apple cider vinegar as a beverage. By the mid-1700s, apple cider vinegar uses were tapped in the maximum and an average American was consuming 35 gallons of apple cider probiotic drink every year. Undoubtedly, the apple cider vinegar had established itself as the new staple beverage of the people inhabiting the American hinterland.

Interestingly, the apple cider benefits have also been reaped by leading American presidents including the likes of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. The latter was known to be a proponent of the apple cider vinegar and dedicated a large chunk of land in South Orchard for cultivating apples. Even Benjamin Franklin was a proponent of apple vinegar and promoted cider drink as a social beverage.

Over time, apple cider vinegar has successfully established itself as one of the prominent drinks of the United States and continues to be so.


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