New Study Depicts Apple Watch Detects Heart Arrhythmias
Original Content: Business Upside Introduction: A research study conducted by Stanford in collaboration with the Apple research team revealed that the Apple Watch heart monitor which comes with an inbuilt Apple Health feature, and is meant to detect atrial fibrillation, otherwise known as the AFib, could also detect some additional arrhythmic irregular heartbeats. This was one of the largest studies conducted by Apple in partnership with Stanford in 2017 since it had more than forty thousand participants enrolled within its study. The Apple Watch’s health features initially included the potential of detecting atrial fibrillation and notifying the user amongst one of its primary health features. This feature was added to the device along with its Series 4 update, which was also known to add an ECG or an electrocardiography sensor. Apple Watch Health Features The Apple Watch heart monitor was one of the most revolutionary updates